Italian, European and international patent filing
After an invention, in other words a new and original solution to a technical problem, has been developed, it is possible to obtain the exclusive right to produce and market that invention by filing a patent. The granting of a patent by the competent offices is subject to several factors, the most important being the quality of the documentation filed.

The patent application must contain a precise description of what has been invented and the claims that define in (brief) detail the typical aspects of the innovation. Depending on the market of interest, we offer complete advisory services for:
- filing of domestic patents with the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) for protection of the invention on Italian soil;
- filing of European patents with the European Patent Office (EPO) for protection of the invention in one or more of the states that have signed the European Patent Convention (EPC);
- filing of international patents with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for protection in states that have signed the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT);
- filing of foreign patents via a close-knit network of local experts with the national office of a foreign country for local protection.
For the pharmaceuticals and plant protection product sector, our consultants offer advice on the procedures necessary for obtaining Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCS), which are documents that make it possible to extend the life of the patents inherent to medicinal or plant protection products and to offset (at least partly) the time elapsing between the date of filing the patent application and obtaining authorization to release the invention to the market. For greater protection of the invention, we integrate the patent filing advisory service with infringement clearance searches and patent monitoring for our clients.